Tuesday, 6 December 2016


Summary In Short 

A monk at young age Swami Satyananda ji Maharaj started spiritual journey from college life only. Swami ji is Disciple of Maharshi Mehi Paramhans ji Maharaj and living at Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Haridwar. Swami Satyananda expands message of saints that all mankind have the power to attained eternal peace harmony and love within whichtransforms human life, both East and west. Swami ji has been teaching wisdom of saints and Meditation for past (15) fifteen years to the public in India and abroad. 

· +91 999 700 8127
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· Maharshi Mehi Ashram, Saptsarovar, Haridwar- 249410, India.
· www.swamisatyanand.in

Coimbatore Institute of Technology 



Bhagirathi Nagar, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India

Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India
Bhoopatwala, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India

Summary In Brief 

A monk at a young age swami Satyananda started spiritual journey from college life only. Swami ji is Discipline of Maharshi Mehi Ashram in Haridwar. Swami Satyanand expands message of saints that all men and woman have the power to have that deep stage of peace, harmony and love within which transforms human life, of birth East and west. Swamiji was has been teaching the past eleven years to the public in india.

‘Wisdom of Saints And Yoga’ for 

The past eleven years to the public in India and abroad. Swamiji understands current social and psychological issues and helps one fundamentally.

Maharishi Mehi Ashram

Maharishi Mehi Ashram was established in 1991 as an institute for the study of wisdom of saints. The aims and objectives of Maharishi Mehi Ashram has to keep our youngsters from falling victim to the common characters eroding diseases of aimlessness, disobedience and addictions. Ashram helps to the helpless people and poor students. We meditate and pray three times a day.

Social Service 

In the world of today one can be at peace with oneself only if one’s neighbor is also at peace. The continents have become closer to each other. With the modern means of communication the vast world our has contracted. We must learn to co-exist and cultivate peace harmony, love and universal brotherhood. The welfare of the entire world every human beings concern. Swami ji believes that the spiritual person should not remain in the confines of caves, but the street of society attending to its social cultural and spiritual needs.

1 comment:

  1. Maharaj ji, Sadar Naman
    I am 69 years old retired person. I have completed my all worldly duties. I want to devote and spend rest of my life in Sadhna and Seva.
    My self and my wife can do any work assigned by you. Please allow us to live in the ashram and do Sadhna and Seva.
    With regards
    Suman Kumar Sinha
    Advocate, Gandhi Nagar
    Purnea 854301
